Friday, February 25, 2011

*TV* Brought to Tears

Twilight is not my only love. I am a crazy TV watcher. I love American Idol. I have been really impressed this season with Jennifer and Steven. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about them on the show. I have always liked them, but I have to say, I like them even more now that I have watched them on the show.

One of the most moving things to me was when Chris Medina auditioned and brought in his fiance' and Steven Tyler bent down and hugged her and whispered into her ear. It was so heart-warming to me to see that, and I won't soon forget it.

So, the other night, Chris was let go on American Idol, and I was sad, because he is truly a man for others to look up to. If you don't know his story...two months before his wedding to his fiance', she was in a car crash leaving her partially paralyzed and with brain damage. Many men would have counted their blessings that they weren't married and responsible for her care, but Chris followed through with the words he would have spoken to her in two months, "in sickness and in health", and he has stuck by her and become a caregiver to her along with her parents.

Today I found an article and video that has me in tears and I needed to share it.

How did you and Juliana first meet and how soon did you know she was the one?

I met Juliana through a friend of hers. I was trying to date her best friend. I'd never met Juliana at the time, but I was in this small band, and I had invited her friend to come watch [us] play. I was hittin' on her, trying to make her laugh, [but] Juliana was the only one laughing at my jokes! I was going, "Who's this girl laughing at my jokes?" Something about her energy caught my eye, and I couldn't get her out of my head. I went back to college that night, [and] I was like, "Who is that wacky girl that I [can't] get out of my head?" After that, I started dating her. It was within the first three or four weeks that I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

How does she continue to inspire you now?

She knows the impossible task that she has ahead of her. She knows that every day she wakes up, there's a new challenge that is so difficult that anyone else would give up. The fact that she gets up and toughs it out and tries to get better, it's an inspiration. It makes you not complain about the caramel that you don't get on your caramel macchiato. Or the fact that you got a flat tire. The trivial things in this world don't mean anything when you're faced with "I can't even hold a cup without [it being] completely difficult." It changes your whole life.

It puts things in perspective for a lot of us, and that's why so many people have been moved by your story and Juliana's. On a music-related note, you're working on a new tune with Rodney Jerkins. Can you tell us a little about that?

I would love to tell you a little about that, or a lot about it actually! It's called 'What Are Words.' It's a song about making promises and fulfilling them, about telling someone you love that you'll be there and having them be able to count on you because you said it. Because the words that you say really mean something. It's a powerful song. A [short] time after I had gone on the show, I got a call saying, "Rodney Jerkins wrote a song for you, and he wants you to come in and hear it." You know, I've always known who Rodney Jerkins was and that he's worked with some pretty big people, but I had no idea that he was THE man. Flattered is not even a good enough word. I was just 100-percent honored to be working with someone like him and that he gave me this opportunity.

Watch Chris Medina's 'What Are Words' Exclusive Video // Get the song on iTunes

What's in store for you, Chris? If you were to look at 2011, what are a couple of things that you hope to accomplish in the next year or so?

Well, one thing I wanna get past is 'The Jay Leno Show' tomorrow [Friday]. That's the biggest gig other than 'American Idol' that I've ever been a part of. I'm hoping to nail it. And after that, I just wanna write music, release it, make people happy -- just sing from my heart and do what I love.

You can read the whole article here

I hope we can all learn something from this man's integrity, love and spirit, and I wish him much success. Sometimes our dreams don't come quite like we thought they would.

Love to Chris Medina, Juliana, and both of their families.


Heather Fanfiction said...

Yes! I too have been really impressed with Steven, especially!

Such a HF story with Chris. Can't wait to see where the music biz takes him. I loved his voice.

CharliDenae said...

Thank you so much for sharing this story and video! I don't watch A.I. and, although I had heard about him and his wife, I had never heard him sing. I love this song and his voice. Going to buy it on iTunes right now.

Best wishes,
Charli ox

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